Our treatment specialists have extensive knowledge and resources available concerning drug rehab programs and addiction.
Drug Rehab New Hampshire
Drug addiction is steadily on the rise in New Hampshire and the need for quality drug rehabilitation in the state has never been greater. There are so many choices in New Hampshire for the treatment of drug addiction that sometimes finding the right drug rehab center can appear to be a daunting task. First, there are so many different kinds of New Hampshire drug treatment programs, which can include inpatient, outpatient, long term, and short term treatment, just to name a select few. An effective New Hampshire drug rehab program must include treatment components that specifically address the various needs of each individual.
The insidious nature of a drug addiction is that by the time an individual is ready to receive the help that they need from a drug rehab facility, the drug addiction has already taken an enormous toll on their family and loved ones. Beyond the tremendous negative effects that a drug addiction has on relationships, there can also be a negative impact on society. The general costs that are directly related to drug addiction in the state of New Hampshire are staggering. The most negative effect of a drug addiction is the associated risk of a drug overdose, which ends many lives in New Hampshire, every year.
Most of the time, an individual cannot successfully overcome a drug addiction without the professional support of a drug rehab center. For the best possible recovery outcome, an individual should choose a New Hampshire rehab center that had a high rate of success in treating drug addiction. It is also important to inquire about the credentials of the New Hampshire drug rehab center. The costs of the drug rehab program you are looking into may also be something that needs to be considered, but cost alone should never be the determining factor in choosing a treatment option. A counselor at a New Hampshire drug rehab will help to take all of the guesswork out of selecting the best possible drug treatment option, to help you or your loved one to recover from drug addiction. These drug treatment counselors are educated in the areas of drug addiction and alcoholism, and can help by answering any questions you may have and assist you in putting into place the life saving treatment that can result in freedom from your addiction. Spending a brief period of time speaking with a treatment specialist can be instrumental in helping you to choose the best New Hampshire drug rehab center for you or your love one.
- The most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) in New Hampshire has indicated that over 10% of the citizens in the state have reported the past month use of an illicit drug.
- Over 25% of New Hampshire citizens have reported that using marijuana occasionally was a "great risk".
- 2007-2008 data from the NSDUH results have indicated that 2.97% of the citizens of New Hampshire have reported the use of an illicit drug within the past year.
- In the state of New Hampshire, approximately 2.14 % of the citizens have reported illicit drug dependence in the past year.
- Approximately 12% of New Hampshire high school students that were surveyed in 2009 have reported abusing inhalants at least once.
- During 2009, more than half of New Hampshire 12th grade students reported using marijuana on at least one occasion.
- According to a 2007-2008 NSDUH data, almost 12% of New Hampshire citizens that were between the ages of 12-17 years old have reported using an illicit drug in the last 30 days.
- Dominican drug traffickers are the primary distributors in the state of New Hampshire for cocaine and heroin.
- The majority of the marijuana that is available in the state of New Hampshire is being transported from the southwest portion of the U.S. and originates in Mexico; the drug is usually transported into the state by way of land vehicles.
- Methamphetamine that is produced in Mexico is primarily transported into the state of New Hampshire via express mail packages or by privately owned vehicles from the West Coast of the United States.
- Authorities in the state of New Hampshire seized approximately 6.2 kilograms of marijuana in 2008.
- OxyContin continues to be a pharmaceutical drug of abuse in the state of New Hampshire, while the abuse and diversion of methadone is just recently emerging.
- MDMA (ecstasy) is widely available in New Hampshire, and is being sold frequently to teenagers and young adults at nightclubs and on college campuses throughout the state.
- Law enforcement officials in the state of New Hampshire have reported an increase in the availability of methamphetamine, particularly in and around the sea coast area.
- New Hampshire has experienced a significant increase in the availability of both powder and crack cocaine, especially in the seacoast region of the state.
- Heroin is widely available throughout New Hampshire and is the greatest drug threat in the state. Heroin availability is increasingly on the rise in many parts of the state, such as the southeast region.
- Marijuana is readily available in New Hampshire, and it is the greatest drug threat throughout the state.
- Retail quantities of cocaine are readily available in New Hampshire, and the drug is increasingly becoming a greater threat in the state.
- The ultimate source center for heroin in the state of New Hampshire is New York, according to law enforcement officials.
- The northern portion of the state of New Hampshire is abundantly rural and the potential areas for marijuana growing abound: most outdoor growers there have reduced their plots size and increased the variety and the scope of their concealment efforts.
If you or someone that you care about is struggling with a drug addiction, the best solution is locating a New Hampshire drug rehab facility. Don't wait for the things to get worse - get help now. The only thing that you have to lose is a drug addiction.
Treatment Centers by City
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- Manchester
- Nashua
- Concord
- Derry
- Rochester
- Dover
- Salem
- Merrimack
- Keene
- Laconia
- Londonderry
- Hudson
- Portsmouth
- Exeter
- Hampton
- Claremont
- Suncook
- Somersworth
- Plymouth
- Lebanon
- Franklin
- Newport
- Peterborough
- Hillsborough
- Hampstead
- Wolfeboro
- Littleton
- Swanzey
- West Lebanon
- North Conway
- Woodsville
- Canaan
- Greenland
- Bethlehem
- Dublin
- Gilford
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New Hampshire Drug Information and Drug Trafficking
Drug information in New Hampshire shows that retail quantities of cocaine remain readily available in the state. New Hampshire has recently seen an increase in crack cocaine availability. Dominican narcotics traffickers are the principal distributors of cocaine in the state.
Drug trafficking information in New Hampshire shows that heroin is available in street level quantities throughout the state, supplied primarily by Dominican traffickers with bases of operation in the Lowell/Lawrence, MA areas. Marijuana is readily available throughout the state, and it is apparent that marijuana is the predominate drug of choice in the state. The state of New Hampshire has experienced a continued growth in availability of methamphetamine within the state in the past few years, particularly in and around the seacoast area. It is anticipated that this trend will continue.
In New Hampshire, cocaine HCl and crack cocaine are readily available at the retail level; kilogram quantities of the drug are encountered with less frequency. In recent years, the seacoast region has experienced a significant increase in availability, due in part to its proximity to source areas in Massachusetts, specifically, the Lowell and Lawrence areas.
Dominican narcotics traffickers dominate the distribution of cocaine HCl in the state and are supplied by associates in New York and Lowell/Lawrence, MA; however cocaine is brought into the region from Florida and the Mexican border. Cocaine availability and prices have remained constant, however an increase in the availability of crack cocaine continues to be reported.
Heroin drug information for New Hampshire revels that high purity heroin remains readily available at the retail level and its use is widespread. Heroin sources of supply are located in Lowell, Lawrence and Lynn, MA. The drug's ultimate source center is New York. Dominican traffickers are the primary distributors of high quality heroin in New Hampshire. The state continues to experience increases in heroin availability, particularly along the seacoast, southeast region and western part of the state. Heroin prices on the retail level have remained stable.
The state of New Hampshire has experienced a continued growth in availability of methamphetamine in the past few years, particularly in and around the seacoast area. Methamphetamine is available throughout the state. The availability of "ice" has increased.
Drug information for New Hampshire notes that methamphetamine, which is produced in Mexico, is primarily transported into the state via express mail packages, by common carrier and by privately owned vehicles from the West Coast of the United States. Methamphetamine prices have remained stable.
MDMA is widely available and is frequently sold to teenagers and young adults at nightclubs, rave parties and on college campuses. MDMA in powder form has also been encountered in the state. The majority of the MDMA available in the seacoast region originates in New York, NY and is transported into the region via private vehicle for distribution. Canada has also served as a transshipment point for MDMA destined for New Hampshire.
New Hampshire drug information shows that marijuana is readily available throughout New Hampshire. Marijuana is the predominant drug of choice in the state. Most of the marijuana available in the region is transported from the southwestern U.S. and originates in Mexico with local Caucasian violators traveling weekly or bi-monthly to Arizona and southern California to obtain 200-300 pound quantities of the drug.
The marijuana is usually transported into the state via land vehicle. Marijuana is also being shipped in relatively small quantities (20-50 lb. packages) into the state utilizing U. S. and other mail services. Cannabis is also cultivated within New Hampshire, though not as readily in recent years. Because of the rural nature of the state, particularly in the north, potential growing areas abound and most of the outdoor growers have reduced the size of their plots and increased the variety and scope of their concealment efforts.
THC content in excess of 22 percent has been seen in the state. New Hampshire drug trafficking sources point out that high grade hydroponic marijuana from Canada is increasingly available in New Hampshire and is smuggled into the state transiting through its shared border with Canada. A variety of smuggling methods have been encountered including concealment in couriers' backpacks and hockey-type travel bags, helicopter air drops wherein the marijuana wrapped in plastic bags is dropped to individuals waiting on land, and the use of snowmobiles during the winter months. This high potency Canadian grown marijuana's THC content can range from 15 percent to as much as 25 percent.
Much of the diversion problem in the state of New Hampshire involves fraudulent prescriptions, dated & duped doctors, mail order pharmaceuticals, illegal and over dispensing, doctor shopping, chemically impaired practitioners, etc. OxyContin continues to be a pharmaceutical drug of abuse in the state.
Hillsborough, NH. 3244
Manchester, NH. 3101
Londonderry, NH. 3053
Swanzey, NH. 3446
Nashua, NH. 3060
Portsmouth, NH. 3801
Canaan, NH. 3741
Concord, NH. 3301
Keene, NH. 3431
Plymouth, NH. 3264
Dover, NH. 3820
Woodsville, NH. 3785
Somersworth, NH. 3878
Greenland, NH. 3840
Dublin, NH. 3444
Bethlehem, NH. 3574
Suncook, NH. 3275
Lebanon, NH. 3766
Salem, NH. 3079
Claremont, NH. 3743
Hampton, NH. 3842
West Lebanon, NH. 3784
Hampstead, NH. 3841
Derry, NH. 3038
Laconia, NH. 3246
Newport, NH. 3773
Peterborough, NH. 3458
Franklin, NH. 3235
Littleton, NH. 3561
Rochester, NH. 3867